Hi! I hope you are doing well.
The Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE eBook version 1.1 is now available to all active RNT Lab members with the new ESP32 with MQTT Module!
It’s a colorful PDF eBook with approximately 530 pages that you can download right now. Here’s how you can download the eBook:
- Login here: https://rntlab.com/login
- Click the Courses tab and select the “Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE” Course
- Or open this link: https://rntlab.com/learn-esp32-welcome/
- Press the yellow button “DOWNLOAD EBOOK VERSION 1.1 >>”
What’s New?
The new eBook comes with all the new Units from “ESP32 with MQTT” Module that has been released throughout the last couple of weeks:
- Unit 1: ESP32 with MQTT – Introduction
- Unit 2: Installing Mosquitto MQTT Broker on a Raspberry Pi
- Unit 3: MQTT Project – MQTT Client ESP32 #1
- Unit 4: MQTT Project – MQTT Client ESP32 #2
- [NEW Unit] Unit 5: Installing Node-RED and Node-RED Dashboard on a Raspberry Pi
- [NEW Unit] Unit 6: Connect ESP32 to Node-RED using MQTT
That’s it for now! More projects coming soon.
Thanks for reading,
Rui Santos