Hi there!
A few months ago, I’ve come up with the idea of creating a separate website from the RNT blog specially dedicated to reviews and daily deals on tools and gear that makers like. We’ve created a website called MakerAdvisor.com and it’s live now!
Maker Advisor aims to to provide list of the best tools and gear—such as Arduino kits, Raspberry Pi accessories, multimeters, 3D printers, electronics components, home automation devices, DIY tools—with great deals we find from across the web.
Maker Advisor was launched today and it was created by me (Rui) and Sara (read more here).
We’ve just posted two blog posts:
- Best Arduino Starter Kits – Buying Guide 2017
- Monday’s Best Deals: SONOFF, Self-Adjusting Wire Stripper, and Arduino Kit
You can also subscribe to the Maker Advisor newsletter to catch the best deals first. This is just the beginning of the website and we have a lot of ideas planned. Any feedback at this early stage is really appreciated!
We also need your help. Would you like to share a photo of your favorite tools to be featured on the website?
Thanks for reading,