I need help (suggestions) according my home automation project.
I would like to have max. 100 devices connected together (preferably) by wire which will be driven by ESP8266 (32) and which would know and send there names (address) and their status which they should change on demand (for example 100 pieces of RGB LED strip).
The other thing is that it has to be modular (like when I add new component, it just send the message to Master (ESP) “hi my name is JACK” and than listen the orders according it’s name.
I was thinking of I2C and 100 of Arduino Nano.
But there’s a problem in resistence on bus with such amount of devices.
Could You please direct me direct me on what chips and approach to use in such case?
Thank You in advance,
I don’t have experience with such a big number of devices connected at the same time.
You can use I2C multiplexers to have more than one device connected to the same Arduino board. that way, you reduce the amount of Arduino boards needed, and maybe you can reduce the resistance on the bus.
We’ve published an article about I2C with the ESP32 today: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-i2c-communication-arduino-ide/ but I’m afraid this will not help much with your project.
I’m sorry that I can’t help much.