Page 264
Everything appears similar except that the change node doesn’t appear to change the (true, false) to a (1,0).
The table is showing true/false in the _value column instead of 0/1. I am attaching the GPIO 4 flow
So I went back and I found that I hadn’t selected boolean for true/false and number for 0/1. I change those and will let you know.
The influxdb doesn’t seem to be updating now. I will add more later.
Still not updating.
OK so I went back and deleted the bucket and generated a new bucket with the same name and new API. Took only a few minutes to update the API in the flow modules. Everything is now working.
It was my error however I would suggest calling attention to the boolean and number selections for the change nodes ion page 259.
Start your code here
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Thanks for pointing that out.
I’ll try to make that more visible.
Is everything working as expected now?