Hi Sara, I have built a package that enhances Serial.print(), and allows it to additionally send the data to a web browser.
If sending to a web browser, you can send data one page at a time (which is normal), or send it as a stream like to a serial monitor, i.e. a Web-serial.
It also enhances Serial.print() to take any number of string or int parameters.
Uses only WiFi.h
If RNT has an interest in this package, I can send you the package.
Sure! Just tell me how it works and I’ll try it out.
Is it similar to this one: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-webserial-library/?
It is better than that. It does not need AsyncWebServer, allows you to have buttons and forms for debugging even in web-serial mode, uses all of the browser window, and optionally outputs to serial monitor. Allows multiple arguments to print(), unlike Serial.print(), and puts a space between arguments on display.