Sara showed me how to add a shortcut on the mobile phone and that certainly is a great help:
Now to my next question: how do I replace the Android (or iPhone) Icon with my own custom designed Icon without relying on third party app’s on the phone. I wish to display a “cake” (my own designed cake) or something when I want a recipe.
There are plenty cumbersome app’s on Google but they involve the user to do some advanced exercises – which you cannot expect them to do.
I would prefer to load an image contained in the project (using one existing image in the SPIFF a logo or something)
and use that as the App-icon
As a matter of fact the ESP_IDF mentions this, where they mention a “rainmaker-App”
but I must admit I don’t understand anything of it. There must be an easier way.
Anybody have tried this? Any good links to Github?
What icon does it display?
Try to add a favicon to your web server. I think if you do that, the favicon will show up as an icon.
Do you know how to do that?
I already have an icon on the WEB-server (from your sample – followed your book to the letter). However the icon does only display the icon connected to the shortcut.
I am considering to learn “flutter” – to fork a project with serial communication to the ESP32. There are samples that show how to enter credentials (SSID etc.) via USB to the phone. That might be easier than shifting between and WiFi-net. I will let you know my decision/progress.
Ok. Thanks.
I also don’t know how to do that.
So, if you find something interesting, please share.