Hi, the course Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE, very interesting and informative job well done!
I’m looking to develop 2 products using esp32 or esp8266 with a professional looking smart phone app to download via Google play, if you could advise which other courses would I require to reach my goal
- A Bluetooth SOS wrist band that phones an emergency contact and sends location via Google maps through your mobile phone with fall detection using MPU6050 gyroscope.
- Same as above but no mobile using Wi-Fi or LoRa and including a geofence.
Your advise will be highly appreciated.
Thanks Gregory
Unfortunately, we don’t have any courses that cover creating apps to download via Google Play.
We have some tutorials using Web BLE that might be useful: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-web-bluetooth/.
We have an ebook dedicated to web servers, but I’m not sure if it covers exactly what you’re looking for.