I was looking over the All-in-One ESP32 Weather Station Shield Project (very nice project, by the way) and am a little confused. You have 2 LEDs in the project connecting to pins D26 and D27 per the schematic (and on the PCB) but I didn’t find where you referenced them in the script nor could I find where you described their purpose in the associated tutorial. What is their purpose? You also have a trim pot at D32 (radial position is read and referenced in the HTML) and a push button at D33 but you don’t seem to have any reason for the pot (it doesn’t seem to do anything) and you don’t reference the button at all in the sketch. So I also don’t understand the purpose for the pot or the push button either.
Hello, that project was development shield that I created that you could use and modify for your own purposes.
The potentiometer, pushbutton and LEDs are not being used. The idea is to modify that project with your own code. You could rotate the pots to define a value range or the LEDs to indicate a status (that was the idea behind that project). I recommend modifying the PCB and delete the components that you don’t need…