when following the sketch you propose to record data on Googler sheet, I receive the
I am ne in using te Google sheet and so following exactly what is written in the proposal of ESP32 DATALOGGING GOOGLESHEET
the following lines give unknown errors
bool success = GSheet.values.append(&response, spreadsheetId , “Feuille1!A1” , &valueRange );
if (success){
response.toString(Serial, true);
I think the problem is because my google sheet is in french. This explain why i wrote “Feuille1” instead of “Sheet1”
Sheet1 was not working
I change the name to “Data” in the sheet and in the instruction: no change, still error
Do you have an explanation? and solution?
Are these errors different from the ones you mentioned previously?
Yes. It is 2 different errors. Sometilmes the -111 error does not occurds: It is for me a question of time set but on what and why
This 2nd error is in when the data are added to the Google shee: none are added. The values to transfer are OK and FLOAT. The system really hangs in this line:
bool success = GSheet.values.append(&response, spreadsheetId , “Feuille1!A1” , &valueRange );
Because the sysem gives “Unknown error” no idea about why it hangs
Is that the complete error?
Don’t change anything about the time in the code and try that… Did you try it?
where is the “time in the code”? of course the routine call the time for data but where is it else?
This however do not solve the error below
bool success = GSheet.values.append(&response, spreadsheetId , “Feuille1!A1” , &valueRange );
if (success){
response.toString(Serial, true);
it is the append function for me that has a problem
now the code (without changes) returns me the following message. Error -111 has gone for not clear reason (maybe a problem with my wifi) (this is exactly the code written on Internet with my Json data)
Append is still not working:
Append spreadsheet values...
18:00:48.746 -> ----------------------------
18:01:06.806 -> > ERROR.mUpdateEngine: Error writing to basic client.
18:01:06.806 -> > WARN.mRunUntil: Terminating with write error.
18:01:06.806 -> > ERROR.mConnectSSL: Failed to initlalize the SSL layer.
18:01:06.806 -> > ERROR.mConnectSSL: Unknown error code.
18:01:06.806 -> send request failed
18:01:06.806 -> Fail
Hi again.
I’m not sure what might be causing the issue….
What board are you selecting in Tools > Board? And what board model are you using?
I found this on the library page: https://github.com/mobizt/ESP-Google-Sheet-Client/issues/44
The issue is similar to yours.
They also suggest a solution to that problem.
OK, i will check wifi disconnet and reconnect
I tried many different codes for about the same thing and none is working
The wifi could be an issue but how to stable it? The wifi is now only 2.4G, computers are well running as well as cell phones. May be alos I will use repetitors… but the problem occurs even close to the router
Hi again.
I’m sorry, but I don’t know why you have that issue, It works fine for me.
I suggest trying to open an issue on the library page and see if you can get more detailed advice: https://github.com/mobizt/ESP-Google-Sheet-Client/issues
I’m sorry that I can’t help much.