trying to Applying the Raspberry Pi Template I get this back
aage@HomeServer:~ $ influx apply -f
2024/07/18 11:17:44 WARN: Passing URLs via -f/–file is deprecated, please use -u/–template-url instead
Error: failed to read template(s) from “”: bad response: address= status_code=404 body=”404: Not Found”
SMART HOME with Raspberry Pi, ESP32, and ESP8266
it is from my new book
influx apply -f
Try to copy the command from below:
influx apply -f
Sometimes, copy/paste from PDF breaks the URL.
Let me know if this fixes the issue.
thank you very much it did the job and it seems to be working
there is still warnings.
DeprecationWarning: Value “false” for option “ignore_protocol_stats” of plugin “” deprecated since version 1.27.3 and will be removed in 1.36.0: use the ‘inputs.nstat’ plugin instead for protocol stats