Dear Sir,
When I am Trying to open Board Manager in Arduino IDE I am getting following error
“java.lang.NullPoint Exception”
Hi, I got a similar problem today:
-Suddenly arduino IDE stoped working.
– closed and when re-opening, the initial screen appeared for a few seconds and disapear. Nothinhg more hapens.
– Restarted the computer; uninstalled and re-installed Arduino IDE (1.8.12). The same happens.
-deleted the Arduino15 directory in c:users\computer\AppData\local. The Arduino IDE oppened but I was unable to install ESP8266 board. In boards manager appears an error message: java.lang.NullPointerException. Arduino IDE is not able to download the boards. After closing Arduino IDE it will not open again unless I delete again the Arduino15 directory.
In the meanwhile I re.installed java but everything remains equal.
thanks for any clues. Gustavo
Dear Gustavo you are right. I tried to open board manager on other PC. There also I got the same error.
Mr. Rui / Ms. Sara. can you please guide us to resolve this problem.
Hi Dattatraya,
I was able to solve the issue.
- uninstalled (again) arduino IDE
- deleted the Arduino15 directory left
- downloaded the version from the website. Unzipped and it worked. I was able to re.install the libraries as well as the board (ESP8266). Untill now I openeded and closed several times previus sketches and it appears that everything is OK.
What was the cause? are the App and installer versions not suitable for windows 10? The ESP8266 board server was down yesterday?
Dear Gustavo
I tried on both the machines as you suggested. Glad to inform you that my problem on both the machines is resolved and it is working perfectly all right.
Thank you very much for your valued guidance.
Hi guys.
Thank you for solving that problem.
I also had some issues with Arduino IDE two days ago.
It just didn’t open.
I had to clear the Arduino15 folder, and then install the ESP32 and ESP8266 boards again.
Now everything is working fine.
As you’ve already solved the issue, I’ll mark this question as resolved.