I would like to make a standalone weather station, using an ESP-14F enclosed in a box with temperature, humidity, and anemometer (Wind sensor) on top readings, do some calculations and have a half-dozen weather condition comments, displayed in a iPhone/Android with the sensor values.
I’ve learned enough in the 3rd edition to do all that. Also, I only need a local WiFi server. I can set up the ESP-14F to go into deep sleep for 15 minutes, and turn on briefly, saving the information, and then go back to deep sleep.
What has me stumped is how to read that information with random access from the cell phone. I think the term is called asynchronized communication.
Anyone have some useful suggestions?
I’m not sure if I understood your question. Do you want to access the data even when the ESP is in deep sleep?
If the ESP is running a web server and it is in deep sleep mode, you can’t access the web server because wifi is shut down during deep sleep.
Where are you saving your data?
Do you want to access the data even when the ESP is in deep sleep? – Yes.
Where are you saving your data? – I hoped you could answer that important question.
If the alternative is to run the ESP continuously, the batteries will be completely discharged in a few days. Running WiFi on a a remote ESP is no longer practical!
You can have your ESP in deep sleep, but you won’t be able to access the web server when it is in deep sleep.
So, an alternative can be logging your data to somewhere else. Then, access your data from that place (so you can keep your battery powered ESP in deep sleep and access the data at the same time). Here are some suggestions:
1) For example, you can send data from your battery powered ESP to another ESP board. This second board is continuously running a web server with the readings received from the battery powered ESP.
2) You can publish your data via MQTT to Node-RED (or any other platform). This platform shows your readings and you can access them any time you want.
3) Publish your readings to Google sheets and access your spreadsheet from anywhere to check the data. https://randomnerdtutorials.com/low-power-weather-station-datalogger-using-esp8266-bme280-micropython/
4) Send the data to a database in your own server that you can access anywhere every time: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-esp8266-mysql-database-php/
So, you have all these options. Which one you think iis more practical for your project?
Exactly what I was looking for. I like no. 2, the MQTT approach, if that doesn’t work out you’ve given me other options. I can always count on the Santos-team to come through for me. You guys are the greatest !