Hi, I need to connect my ESP32-WROOM-32 (client) by bluetooth to a device (server) that requires a pin to get connected. Do you have some example about it?
What do you men by a pin that needs to get connected? What’s the other Bluetooth device (server) that you’re referring to? Thanks!
I need a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to connect to a health bluetooth device (other Bluetooth device). I need to read data from that device and process it with my ESP32. For example, If I try to connect with my phone, I must type a 4-digit PIN to get connected, but I don’t know how to send that PIN from my ESP32 to autheticate and read data from the health bluetooth device.
Unfortunately I don’t think the ESP32 BLE library currently supports that feature… I think you would need to create your own example that establishes a communication with a PIN using the ESP-IDF: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf
At least, I’ve never seen an example about that. Regards,
You might also consider going through the ESP32 BLE for Arduino library and try to find if a method like that is already implemented: https://github.com/nkolban/ESP32_BLE_Arduino/tree/master/src