The function in the notify example
does not terminate. The board reboot due to a watchdog. Do I have to enable bluetooth before running the sketch?
Can you tell me what is the exact example that you are trying to follow?
Sara, first let me say that I like the book. It is good to have such a well presented intro. With respect to Bluetooth, I am trying to rung the two codes in Unit 2 of Module 5. I tried two different ESP32 boards and reinstalled Arduino and the boards. My suspicion is that Bluetooth is not enabled on the board. May be something that I have to change in sdkconfig somewhere?
Thanks to a student I found out that switching from the ESP WROOM Dev board to ESP WROVER Dev board in the Arduino GUI makes a difference. With the latter the BLE sketch works. But why. The board is actually ESP-WROOM-32 based.
I found the problem. I changed the CPU clock frequency to 10 MHz ( (40MHz XTAL)) on the WROOM board. This seems to switch off Wifi and bluetooth. Switching back to 240 MHz, bluetooth works. Any explanation?
Hi Michael.
Thanks for sharing that valuable information.
I wasn’t aware of that. We never had to change any settings to make bluetooth work on our boards. So, I don’t know why it’s that the case for your board.
So, now you are able to run the examples properly, right?