Hello, I am trying to get the boards below to work as BME280s with an ESP8266. I am only trying with one at a time at the moment to see if I can get one working initially.
The programs are configured for I2C comms and the communications is working ok (I2C scanner finds the board at address 0x76).
When I load up and run the RandomNerd code to drive the board, having followed the instructions in the post “ESP8266 with BME280“, it fails to find a BME280. When I run the Adafruit example program for the BME280, it too says that it cannot find a BME280, but reports the sensor id as 0x58 – that is the the id of a BMP280.
If I re-jig the program and IDE for the BMP280, then the program runs and temperature and pressure are reported as expected. However, the BMP280 does not report humidity and I would like to be able to measure this as well.
Both boards are marked as P and E. I would like to know how to get both/either board to work as BME280s?
Any help much appreciated.
Hi David.
It seems that your boards are not working as BME280.
They are probably just BMP280 although they are labeled as both. I had some readers reporting problems of the same kind with some “fake” BME280 boards. Because they are in fact, just BMP280 boards.
Also, other people have reported the same issue for that exact sensor “HW-611”: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/issues/2166
However, I’ve never faced that issue. I’ve ordered boards from any different suppliers and all board worked well (https://makeradvisor.com/tools/bme280-sensor-module/).
Where did you get your boards from?
Hello Sara,
Thank you for getting back to me so promptly.
So, it is as I suspected – they are fakes. One board came from Aliexpress and the other from a Hong Kong seller on Ebay: fly.planet.
They were both very cheap, so I guess you get what you pay for, but this is rather blatant fakery:-)
Referring to one of the posts in the link about the HW-611 sensor: It looks as though the person that suggested that the genuine BME280 is square may be correct. Both of my sensors are rectangular.
I will try to get another, square sensor and report back.
Thanks and kind regards,
Hello again!
I have received the parts from AliExpress now and tried them with the BME280Test example.
These boards were from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32862421810.html
These boards worked faultlessly, so the others were definitely just BMP280s.
Thanks for your help,