Arduino old hand here, now getting into ESP32. Already encountered my first problem. Bought the DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT1 development board and an Keyes ESP32 Core Board.
The Core Board has room for 36 pins, the DOIT board only has 30 pins. That would not be a problem, however the Core Board has a spacing between the header rows of 22.8 mm (15/16″), the DOIT module has a spacing of 25.6 mm (1″). This obviously is too wide and doesn’t fit. I also bought a ESP32 CAM board and that one does fit on the Core Board because it is 22.8 mm wide.
Why is this? Is this to differentiate 30 and 36 pin boards?
I can use the DOIT boards for another project, but the question now is: what board do I buy that fits the 15/16″ spacing of the Core Board? Are all 36 pin boards 15/16″ wide? We don’t get many brands here in Taiwan, but I did see TTGO boards, so are they 15/16″ wide?
Thanks for the input.
Image of the core board I bought:
This probably does not answer your question, but you may want to check out the 38 pin DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT-V4 board.