When I first tried to make the ESP32 as a webserver, the monitor kept saying “connecting to xxxxx” and it never connected. The ssid and the password were correct I’m confident. A suggestion to move the ESP32 closer to router had me move it to within 1 meter. No luck. Now it no longer tells me that it is connecting. It tells me that the ESP32 brownout was triggered. I’m at a real loss. I need the ESP ip address.
The brownout error is usually related with some sort of hardware problem or faulty code.
Since you are following one of our tutorials, the code should not be the problem.
The hardware problem with the brownout error is many times related with insufficient power supply. How are powering your board? It may also be the case that you have a faulty board. Do you have any other board to experiment with?
I have two ESP 32s . I’m using one on the BME680 sketch from RNT and it works. I’ve also tried that board to try to get the IP to no success. I’m powering the ESP32 from a USB port of my desktop computer. I just tried the other board and it still cannot find the IP address. Suggestions?
Can you try the SimpleWiFiServer arduino sketch?
In your Arduino go to File > Examples > WiFi > SimpleWiFiServer ?
If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what might be causing the issue.
Tried the SimpleWiFiServer but get the “Brownout detector was triggered.” I think board is compromised.