I followed the ebook so far to the letter. All is fine until I built and loaded module 1.2, Hello World Web Server (Serve files from file system). Compilation + load is successful, or seems to be, except entering the IP address on a browser results in no response from the ESP32. I get a “page can’t be found” in the brower. Module 1.1 Hello World worked, so I know how to point to the ESP32’s IP with a browser and have it respond having embedded the html in main.cpp. I don’t know were to start trouble shooting. Also, serial.println() does not output text to the terminal window, so I do I make that happen in VS?
You probably forgot to upload the filesystem image.
Please read the instructions carefully. Make sure you create the data folder on the right place with the right files.
Make sure you don’t forget to upload the filesystem image to the board – see instructions on page 187.
Let me know if this helps.
Page 190 show how to open the serial monitor (print screen at the bottom of the page).
Hi Sara,
1) You’re right about not uploading the filesystem image. (Page 187 looked like it belonged to the previous ESP2866 instructions.) I did create the data folder per p179. OK, I built the filesystem. Then, the first attempt to upload the filesystem I got an error, but resetting the ESP32 I successfully loaded the filesystem; then building + uploading the program I got no errors. But…I still cannot get an output on the browser when entering the IP of the ESP32. I don’t see any serial.println() output on the serial monitor, so I don’t find out the ESP32’s IP that way, but I get the IP of the ESP32 from my router’s app showing all devices on the network and the ESP32 is in the list.
2) Per the red box, p187, how do I “close all serial connections (Serial Monitor) with your board”?
3) As per p190, I did this before, but when I click the serial monitor icon I do not see serial.println() output.
Thanks for your patience.
After opening the serial monitor (by clicking that little plug icon at the left corner at the bottom), press the on.board ESP32 RST button so that it starts running the code from the start and you can catch the IP address.
To close the Serial Monitor connections with the board, there’s a little trashbin icon at the top right corner of the serial monitor.
Let me know if you can get the IP address and if you get any errors in the Serial Monitor.
HI Sara,
I closed all the serial monitor sessions, if that’s the right term, with the trashbin icons on each. There is no single trashbin icon “at the top right corner of the serial monitor”. With each upload, whether of the filesystem or the program, results in the monitor window updates afresh with infoand in a third widow to the right of the monitor window having a one-line statement indicating a new serial “session” starting with the word “PlatformIO:…”. With each upload a one-line statement is added to the list in this small window to the right of the large monitor window. These two windows are a split window. It is each of these one-line statements that have 2 icons, “split”, a trashbin icon that pop up when passing the cursor over each of the one-line statements. Each of these one-line statements, in the right-hand split window, is deleted individually clicking the transbin icon associated with it.
Deleting the last one makes the monitor window close all together. Having done that and the terminal window closing, I upload the filesystem first. The monitor window opens with scrolling message info and a single one-line statement appears on the right-side window. Next, uploading the program results in the contents of the monitor window updating with info only associates with that upload. A one-line statement is added to the far right window list — there are now two there. I get no errors. I see green “success” with both builds and uploads, filesystem and program in the monitor window. Then, resetting the ESP32 results in no output from any serial.println() statements in the code, so I do not see the IP address from the serial.println() in initWifi(). And still the IP of the ESP32 cannot be found by a browser.
What does your platformio.ini file look like?
Does it have the monitor speed specified?
platform = espressif32
board = adafruit_feather_esp32s2_tft
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = ESP Async WebServer
Everything seems fine.
Can you show me a printscreen of your Serial Monitor?
To share a picture upload it to google drive, or dropbox,, or imgur and then share a link to the file.
Hi Sara,
Here’s the screen after uploading the code:
Then, click the serial monitor icon and do a reset on the ESP32. There’s no Serial.println() output: