Hi, my friends. If I will add capacitive soil moisture sensor together with BME280-module as 4-th parameter, I need find any library ( Adafruit like) and change script to? It’s possible?
Hi Sergey.
I’m sorry for the delay in my response.
Do you want to add soil moisture to the projects?
What’s the soil moisture sensor that you have? Usually, you get soil moisture sensor readings by reading an analog pin. We have a guide for the Arduino board, but the principle is the same for the ESP32—just read the analog value of the sensor data pin.
Here is the guide: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/guide-for-soil-moisture-sensor-yl-69-or-hl-69-with-the-arduino/
Just make sure you use an ADC1 pin to connect the sensor. ADC2 doesn’t work properly when you use Wi-Fi. You can check the pins here: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-pinout-reference-gpios/
Let me know if you need further help.