I’m just getting going with the course, I’v correctly setup all the software, but on the 1st project when I build the project it complains it cant find the libraries, ok so I go to find the libraries k, but when I try to add a library by clicking the Add to project button, it opens up a window “Add project dependency” it shows the lib I have selected but in the “select project” list it is empty & I cannot proceed, I have correctly created the project as detailed in the PDF using the wizard.
Please help me!
Thanks Andy
Are you talking about the blinking LED project?
What libraries does it say are missing?
Error: Invalid ‘C:\Users\Andy\Documents\PlatformIO\Projects\Blink_LED\platformio.ini’ (project configuration file): ‘Source contains parsing errors: ‘C:\\Users\\Andy\\Documents\\PlatformIO\\Projects\\Blink_LED\\platformio.ini’
[line 17]: ‘arduino-libraries/Arduino_JSON @ 0.1.0\n’
[line 18]: ‘adafruit/Adafruit BME280 Library @ ^2.1.0\n’
[line 19]: ‘adafruit/Adafruit Unified Sensor @ ^1.1.4\n”
Are you following the blinking LED project?
You don’t need to include those libraries on the platformio.ini file. Otherwise you’ll get an error because those libraries are not being used.
Delete any library that you have added to the platformio.ini file and the code should compile.
In those first instructions, my idea was just to show how you would proceed if you wanted to add libraries. I didn’t want to say to install the libraries. But, it seems those instructions are a bit confusing.
I already changed the instructions and will upload a new version on the eBook this morning.
Thanks Sara,
All up and running now complete with a flashing LED on the ESP32