I enjoyed following the examples in the book.
I recently implemented the Pan&Tilt camera example of the eBook and started to modify it to my needs.
How would one change the structure of the program using SPIFFS to have a more advanced webpage?
Best regards,
You can start by following this example to learn how to use SPIFFS to save the web page files: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-web-server-spiffs-spi-flash-file-system/
I hope this helps.
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the quick reply. I already use SPIFFS in another project. I am not sure if the cameraWebserver interacts with an asyncwebserver request.
The following code shows how I am currently using it, quite standard I think:
server.on(“/”, HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(SPIFFS, “/index.html”, “text/html”);});
How would this translate using camerawebserver? Do I need an additional asyncwebserver or is there something similar with camerawebserver?
The camerawebserver is built using a different library.
At the moment, I couldn’t find a way to have the part of the code that does video streaming on the AsyncWebServer.
So, there’s a section that does the video streaming using one library, and the web page with the HTLM and CSS is built using another library, the AsyncWebServer.
Hi Roger,
I have a project using Asyncwebserver library that streams RTSP video from a Wyse Cam v3. Currently the camera is down for repair.
Read more about project in this RNTLab forum topic link: CameraRainGauge project