Hi – I tried the troubleshooting hints but haven’t had any luck getting the Mu editor to show files. I’m using a MacBook Pro and my device is a Vroom ESP32. I was able to successfully load Python to the device. Any other thoughts? I also took a quick look at the uPyCraft IDE but it doesn’t seem to have been built for a Mac..and seems pretty dated.
In that case, I recommend using Thonny IDE (see page 72).
As an additional note: in the eBook, you’ll see referenced that Thonny IDE doesn’t have a tool to flash micropython firmware. Well, that’s not the case. I found out some time after updating the eBook, that Thonny IDE has a tool that allows you to flash micropython firmware without the need to use esptool.
So, I recommend taking a look at the following tutorial that was updated more recently to learn how to use Thonny: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-thonny-micropython-python-ide-esp32-esp8266/
Most people that have troubles with Mu and upyCraft are successful with Thonny IDE.
Let me know if this helps.