I am working on the WiFi-manager project from section 4.3 of the Learn LVGL book.
When the project loads, I can see on the monitor that it finds and lists the local WiFi networks.
After that, the screen goes to a mixture of black and white horizontal stripes before going to completely white. The interface never displays.
I’ve checked the libraries that I am using and rolled back two of them to match the ones that are known to work with the projects, but that hasn’t fixed the problem.
Have this been seen before? Is it possibly a hardware problem?
I’ve been working through the examples in order through 6.1.2 and they all have worked. (I did have to change the memory allocation on two of them.)
I think I may try putting in writes to the monitor so I can narrow down what is working and what isn’t.
I have been playing around and found out the following: The touchscreen_read function is reporting a touch every time it is called. The data returned is: X = 0 | Y = 319 | Pressure = 4095.
I ran a couple of other programs: 2_1_Basic_Button and the Random Nerds Tutorial Calibration Test program. They both seem to be functioning OK, so the hardware doesn’t seem to be broken.
I tried using both my calibration settings and the default values from the source code. No difference.
This is an interesting problem. At least it doesn’t seem to be intermittent.
I just tested that program and it is working as expected.
What are the versions of the libraries you’re using and ESP32 boards installation?
Check the version of the ESP32 boards in Tools> Boards > Boards Manager > ESP32. The latest 3.1.0 has some issues (not sure if it is related), but downgrade to 3.0.7 just to be sure.