Hello, I would like to be able to choose which Wi-Fi network to connect to from my esp32, so far I have not been able to do so.
Could you help me
Hi Cristian.
Can you provide more details about what you’re trying to achieve?
Also, what do you have built so far? Do you get any errors?
Do you want something like a “Wi-Fi Manager”?
I’m guessing Cristian would like to be able to select the WiFi SSID to connect to somehow rather than hard coding into the sketch. That’s something I would like to be able to do as well.
i have been theorizing on it. I believe the preferences library is what we need to use. In the setup function check whether there is an SSID and password. If not create a soft access point and web page at that will show all WiFi SSIDs in range probably in a pop up menu. Then you need a text box for the password. Once submitted try to connect. If that works save to preferences and reboot the ESP32. Now it’s available the setup function can directly connect.
You can follow this discussion for more information: https://rntlab.com/question/esp32-wifimanager/
Unfortunately, we don’t have a complete example about setting that up.
You’ll probably need to combine some of our tutorials to do that.
I thank everyone for the help, I will try the one that Steve makes, of all the ones that I tried the most versatile is <https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect> and the last update is three months ago.
I will keep testing and comment if there is one that works better.
You can also develop it yourself!
It’s an excellent exercise 😉
The icing on the cake is to implement a captive portal as well…