following section 2.5 I set up the circuit and created the flow as indicated.
However, beneath the rpi-gpio-out node I get a box named “not available”.
If I click the inject nodes nothing happens.
Can you show me a printscreen of the issue?
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I finally got it to work:
first after switching to english and reloading nodered and
second, more important, after setting GPIO as output and driving it low
raspi-gpio set 18 dl op
It would probably be worthwile to mention it in tutorials etc.
Thanks four your support, Marcus.
Hi again.
I’m sorry for that issue, but there must be something weird with your setup your something.
I’ve just tested everything again, and on my Raspberry Pi that doesn’t happen. The flow works right away without
Can you tell me where you got that answer from? So that I can understand in which situations that specific error occurs.
Hi Sara,
the first problem the rpi-gpio out node not available was solved by switching from german to english and
reloading nodered. Probably the reloading did it. But I prefer english anyway.
The solution depicted above I found out myself:
When the LED didn’t lit up and no voltage was measurable at GPIO 18 I checked the pin status
raspi-gpio get 18
and found it was set to input. Changing it to output still didn’t work. So I draw it to low. Then it worked.
On page 89 of your book there is a box “initialise pin state ?” where you can set the pin status to low.
This might work also but I haven’t tested it.
Kind regards, Marcus.