Just signed on to Rui’s course on the ESP 32 course.
Have downloaded the addons to see the ESP family of boards – I have the ESP Wroom 32 with a CP2102 chip.
I have been to the Silicon Labs and downloaded some drivers….which drivers do I need? It is not specific in the course notes
The blink sketch has been complied and attempted to upload. Thers is only COM 1 available…not sure if fthis is correct as the course notes give Com 4.
I get ‘Error in loading’ message. A red led flashes as the usb cable is installed , but nothing else. The board has 3.3V available.
Help please.
You would download and install the CP210x Virtual Com Port (VCP) drivers for your operating system. Depending on how many actual com ports you have it may or may not map to COM4. Select whatever the new port is.