Using ESP32 Devkit v1, Ebyte E220-900T30D for Sender and Receiver. Have rung out wiring with DMM continuity tests. Only have an AUX_PIN interrupt when receiver serial monitor is opened or ESP32 is reset; can see value of data after interrupt.
When opening a web request (; sender shows a successful web request; there is no receiver interrupt.
Gist of code for Sender and Receiver
Good Afternoon Sara,
Update 07/17/2024:
Featuring E220, Wake-On-Radio with ESP32 Deep Sleep with external 0 wakeup by radio!.
E220-Remote-Switch project utilizes two, Ebye E220-900T30D RF modules and two, ESP32 microcontrollers. Current project status: INA226 and KY002S have not been implemented in this update.
E220-Remote-Switch project code
Demonstation mode:
1. ESP32 Receiver; push receiver reset button, this puts the ESP32 into deep sleep.
2. ESP32 Sender; push sender reset button, this sends Wake on radio (WOR) message to wake ESP32 receiver from deep sleep.
3. Open browser to ““; this will create a web request for turning on battery power and start a countdown timer to turn off battery power, then put the ESP32 receiver into deep sleep.
4. Next web request has a yet to be resolved issue; instead of turning on battery power, this web request ESP32 Sender sends a WOR message awaking the deep sleeping ESP32 receiver.
5. Second web request is required to turn on battery power and start the countdown timer.
Three advantages of using the Ebyte, E220-900T30D is increased distance 10 km (estimated at power of 30 dbm) and Sleep current of 5 uA. E220-900T30D third feature is the ability to send a WOR message to wake up the receiving transciver allowing second message; to turn on battery power.
Transmit current of 620 mA is almost instantaneous at 30dbm to send; up to 200 bytes, before dropping to sleep current. Receiving current; for a message, 17.2 mA. Current values are from “Ebytes E220-900T30D User Manual”. Measured Standby current 11.8 mA. (E220, Always powered on). Ultilizing E220 Sleep Mode, Sleep current (E220, Always on) ranges from .54 uA to 97.33 uA measured! Next version will support E220, Sleep Mode; currently in developement. Transmit current and receive current are quicker start to finish; than I am able to switch ranges on the multimeter, microamp ramge all that is shown is “OL” for a few milliseconds.
How to put E220 into sleep mode using sketch commands –ChatGPT
Xtensive help from ChatGPT, and Friends. Thank you xReef for your E220 library, community support, and E220 Support Forum.
My latest project has been published by the author of the xReef, “Ebyte LoRa E220 Library” The author contacted me by his support forum; asked if I would like to do a “guest” article of my “interesting project.”
xreef, Renzo Mischianti
Software developer but I love electronics, wood, nature, and everything else as well.
Gubbio, Italy
Owner of the xReef, “Ebyte LoRa E220 Library”
Today my article was published on his web site.
That’s awesome!
I’ll take some time to ready it carefully.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you Sara!
Very challenging project with lots of variables to sort out; with community help project was completed.
Ebyte LoRa E220 Moudule with ESP32 Deep Sleep Radio Wakeup!
Use DMM, continuity check to make sure connection from circuit ground to module ground is good.
Working with Ebyte modules and breadboard; use female to male Dupont jumper wires. Avoid intermitten/poor connections by plugging module directly into breadboard!
Label breadboards “Sender” and “Receiver”.