My DHT 22 quits responding if I reset the ESP8266. It will only start responding if I cycle the 3.3V to the DHT. I can see the DHT is getting the start pulse but does not return the data string until I cycle the DHT power. After cycling DHT power it works continuously.
Only running sample DHT code from ADAfruit
Hi Rick.
Can you tell me the connections between your ESP8266 and the DHT22?
And what ESP8266 model are you using?
LoLin NodeMCU V3 – I assume ESP8266-12E.
DHT board had resistor built in
DHT-1=3.3V, DHT-3=Gnd, DHT-2=D4(GPIO2)
Hi Rick.
Can you connect pin 2 to another GPIO? Try GPIO4.
GPIO 2 is HIGH at boot, which can interfere with the readings:
Sara, thank you that was it. I was using GPIO 4 and 5 for web control, I will do some re-writing/connecting.