I’ve been trying to load the above two projects onto the Digital Ocean VM system with the following successes and problems. The successes were that I was able to get subscribed to Digital Ocean and load both the MQTT Mosquitto Broker and Node-Red Dashboard with a few challenges.
- Under “Autostart Node-Red on Boot,” should the Node-Red service be “nodered.service” or “node-red.service”? When creating it, ” nodered.service” is used but when enabling it “node-red.service” is used. I believe it has to be one or the other in both instances. I used “node-red.service.”
- Under ” Securing Node-Red Software with Username and Password,” I could never get my pw to work when it came up on my browser using “admin” as the username and my pw. I tried three or four times and never could get it to work. I took a screen shoot of the hash string and put it in the modified “setting.js” file manually but never had any luck when I saved and rebooted it. On my PC Node-Red Dashboard came up unsecured and on my Ipad it couldn’t get it through the login page using admin as my username then my pw. My question is, how do I get Node-Red Dashboard to work using my pw?
- Concerning the above hash string, you said to “copy the hash string to your clipboard and open the Node-Red settings file.” I’ve tried every way that I know of to copy that string without any luck. First, I can’t seem to select it to copy it and then can’t paste it. I’m using a PC, going on the Digital Ocean site and opening up the terminal screen to do coding but when I gets to copying and pasting the hash string, I can’t do it. I always had to take a screen shot and copy it manually into the “settings.js” file. Quite laborous. My question is how can I copy it to my clipboard and paste it into the modified”setting.js” file from the terminal (black) screen?
- When working in the terminal (black) screen, I always had to have my “Caps Lock” to enter material. For lower case, “caps lock” on and for upper case “caps lock” on with shift. Would you have any idea why this is happening? It seems to be working backwards.
If you can help me with any of these problems I would appreciate it. And thanks for the good work in developing these projects.
- You are correct. The command should be (we will update the guide): Access Node-RED Dashboard from Anywhere using Digital Ocean
sudo systemctl enable node-red.service
2. I’ve never experienced that error. It didn’t work one time for me (because I’ve misspelled the password while typing). When I type the exact password and press enter, the has key will work for me every time…
3. Are you using PuTTY? If so, when you selet with your mouse a string in the PuTTY console and you press the mouse right click it will automatically copy to your clipboard
4. Which software are you using? Are you on a Windows PC?
Thanks for your reply.
My computer is ai PC and I’m using Windows 10.
I also started using putty instead of the terminal window that comes up on the DigitalOcean page when you load and start using your VM. I’m now able to copy and paste the hash string. But how does one copy and paste from the DigitalOceans terminal page?
Again thanks for your answers and support.