I have a TTGO sx1276 “amazon.com/SX1276-Bluetooth-Internet-Antenna-Development/dp/B07B6N56ZG” and I need to make a connection with Dragino LG01 “dragino.com/product/lora/item/143-lg01n.html “. this communication is for Lora and multipoint, it has material or instructions to make this connection.
thanks for your help
Hi Cesar.
Take a look at this documentation: https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Connect_to_TTN
I think they provide exactly what you are looking for. They connect the dragino gateway to the TTN (The things network) and then, they show how to add end devices (ESP32).
More specifically for the ESP32: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/big-esp32-sx127x-topic-part-3/18436
I hope this helps.