I am trying to follow the ESP32 CAM Projects V1.2 with the initial CameraWebServer example. Successfully program what I believe to be a CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER with both a FTDI programmer and a ESP32-CAM-MB Programmer.
After the first time failure, I had read the problem might be camera hardware failure, so I order 2 new cameras (normal and wide angle) but after they arrived, I continue to get the same error.
On your web site you state that you have not encountered this error but give some suggestions which seam to apply to another camera type M5. However, I did confirm my board does have PSRAM (printed in out in the if(psramFound()) { …
I am wondering it you have any other suggestions since the publication of your web page https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-troubleshooting-guide/
Thanks in advance for your help
Can you tell me what is the exact project that you’re following?
I was trying to follow the Camera Web Server Example which starts on page 45 of ESP32 CAM Projects V1.2. Board Ai Thinker ESP32-CAM and File from Examples -> ESP32 -> Camera -> CameraWebServer.
I suggest taking a look at this discussion that has several suggestions for that problem, different than the suggestions we have on our troubleshooting guide: https://github.com/espressif/esp32-camera/issues/93
One of the suggestions is to change the frequency on the following line:
config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000;
config.xclk_freq_hz = 10000000;
Let me know if this helps.