1. In the program their are listed three header files, why is their a app_httpd.cpp (C++)?
2. Can’t connect using code: while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Any suggestions?
3. Where is the code for: startCameraServer();
What is exactly the project you’re trying to follow?
What specific errors do you get?
The project is ESP32 CAM Camera Web Server
Upoads ok, but dose not connect to web. Serial Monitor shows only dots, witch indicates the program never gets out of the “while” loop. The code: while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
I’m wondering if their is some other code I should use.
The board is a Model AI_Thinker.
This same code statement works fine on my ESP32 NodeMCU card.
Please disregard my 1 and 3 question, I found the answer.
Hi again.
Did you insert your network credentials? Are they correct? It’s better to double-check just to be sure.
Then, make sure the ESP32-CAM is relatively close to your board.
Additionally, check your board’s antenna. The board can use the on-board antenna or an external antenna. Everything is explained in this article: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-connect-external-antenna/
If your board is set to use the onboard antenna, make sure it is close to the router.
If the board is set to use the external antenna, make sure the antenna is attached.
I hope this helps.
The ESP32 AI-Tinker CAM module was working several months ago. It works on every project except connecting on the web while my ESP32 NodeMCU has no problem connecting using same function. Therefore, I’ll wait until I purchase new cameras.
Thanks for your help