To upgrade ESP32 library to rev 2.0.2
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Solved some of my ESP32 CAM projects. However the header file httpd.cpp file in camerawebserver would not compile. So I used the httpd header file from ESP#@ WROVER board. This board is working but the CAM board shows the camera settings icon but not a picture from the camera. Still working on the CAM board. Other problem on the ESP32 CAM board is; after the board gets hot, it will not upload.
Thanks, Roger
I didn’t test the projects with the new ESP32 library version. So, I’m not sure if all projects are compatible with that version or if they need some modifications.
If the board is hot, you’ll have to wait until it cools down. To prevent overheating, many people add a heat sink. I never tried it, so I’m not sure how well it works.