HI, I have a esp8266ex, in uPycraft I get an error “serial not open” and cannot pass this step in the programming with micropythton tutorial that I bought from you. Tried everything in your troubleshooting but no result.
also this message “open serial error, please try again” when trying to flash, I tried changing the baud rate but no luck yet.
Also when opening uPyCraft I get a “Please install SourceCodePro font” message
- Which programmer are you using with the ESP8266ex? What’s the COM port? Can you see it?
- Can you follow these instructions to install Source code pro font? https://rntlab.com/installation-problem-with-upycraft/
Thanks for your patience!
Hi The COM port is 4 and yes I I can see it…I am using this… “Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge” and
downloaded the “esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin.”
it goes through the erasing process and erasing but the burning never starts. I even used diff baud rates; changed them in the the tool and in the device config.
First, what’s your ESP8266 flash size? If it’s 512KB, you need to use the MicroPython firmware for 512KB at: http://micropython.org/downloads#esp8266
Read the section:
"The following are daily builds of the ESP8266 firmware tailored for modules with only 512kbytes of flash. Certain features are disabled to get the firmware down to this size. esp8266-512k-20190113-v1.9.4-779-g5064df207.bin"
To answer your problem:
Ok. I think the burning never starts because your ESP restarts after the erasing process and it’s not longer in boot mode. Basically,
I think you need to restart your ESP with GPIO 0 connected to GND after the erasing processing.
It’s a bit tricky to do it like this:
- If it’s an ESP8266 development board holding BOOT/FLASH button during the Erase and Flash process is enough
- With ESP-01/ESP8266EX module: you need to connect GPIO 0 to GND and during Erase, then restart the board very quickly to force it to flashing mode again in the Flash process.
To avoid that problem, with uPyCraft IDE you can start by just erasing the flashing. Then, flashing the MicroPython firmware.
I’ve also just posted an alternative method to flash the MicroPython firmware with esptool.py: Flashing MicroPython Firmware with esptool.py on ESP32 and ESP8266
HI, I erased and flashed in diff. sessions and it seemed to work (the Brun process ended bu did not rfeceuve any additional message, i assume that is ok), The after reconnecting the esp8266 i only get this message, “current version only open py txt json ini file.“. There is nothing as your tutorial showing in the device tab.
Hello, it looks like you’re not creating a file with the extension .py (Python), so the uPyCraft IDE can’t understand your file. If you create a new script and you save it with the extension .py, that message should no longer appear.
We’ve been also testing and recommend Thonny IDE to program the ESP with MicroPython: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-thonny-micropython-python-ide-esp32-esp8266/
Thonny IDE doesn’t prompt so many warning messages, so it’s easier to use in the beginning. The Thonny IDE instructions will be included in the next eBook update. Thanks for your patience.
I finally got it. It works now i disconnected the + after erasing and connected again very fast. this did the trick.}}Thanks for the patience