I would like to follow your instruction about MicroPython book as described in chapter “Flashing/Uploading MicroPython Firmware”. I got:
"could not open port 'COM3': PermissionError(13, 'Access is denied.', None, 5)" error.
The led is flashing but the progress bar is in the 0% phase.
I have some board where they are working but in same cases not. Do you have any idea how can I set permission? Or simple the board is wrong :)?
I use NodeMcu ESP8266-CP2102 wifi board.
Thanks in advance: Gábor
Hi Gábor.
Your board should work fine with uPyCraft IDE.
Are you getting that error when trying the micropython firmware or when trying to upload code?
See the troubleshooting guide provided with the course, error#1:
“Unplug, and plug back your ESP board. Then, double-check that you’ve selected the right serial port in the Tools>Serial menu.
Then, click the “Connect/disconnect” button to establish a serial communication. You should now be able to upload a new script or re-run new code.
This error might also mean that you have your serial port being used in another program (like a serial terminal or in the Arduino IDE). Double-check that you’ve closed all the programs that might be establishing a serial communication with your ESP board.
Then, unplug and plug back your ESP board. Finally, restart the uPyCraft IDE – try to select the serial port in the Tools>Serial menu.”
Let me know if this helps.
Dear Sara,
Thank you for your answer. I got the error before flashing the board. I studied your troubleshooting guide and the solution was to unplug the device.
Thanks and regards: Gábor