I am enjoying learning to use my ESP32‑CAM, and following the advice of the RNT videos. Today I tried Bitluni’s time‑lapse code for them. It worked but I need to tweak the settings a lot to get the image reasonable. Can someone point me to a resource that explains what each parameter is (those switches and sliders on the web page it serves) and how to set them?
Or better, how to adjust them pro grammatically?
BTW, RNT and Bitluni both said to choose Wrover as the board in the Arduino settings, but I found that choosing the AI Thinker as the board worked OK for programming the ESP32‑CAM. You don’t have to worry about setting the partition size ‑‑ That option is not even there.
Hi Steve.
At the time we wrote the first tutorials for the ESP32-CAM, there wasn’t an option for the AI-Thinker. That’s why at the time, we choose the Wrover board.
But now, there’s the option to choose the AI-Thinker and that’s the one we recommend.
I don’t think there’s a place that explains what each setting means.
You can change the settings in your program.
I haven’t tried with those yet. But I think you need to create a sensor_t as follows:
sensor_t * s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
And then, you can use the functions described in line 491 to 514 of this file:https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/libraries/ESP32/examples/Camera/CameraWebServer/app_httpd.cpp
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Sara. That is a start. Please let me know if you know what the ranges of acceptable values for the val variables are.
The abbreviations I know :
AWB = auto white balance
AGC = auto gain control
AEC = auto exposure control
but the others are somewhat mysterious to me.
Do you know what the following stand for?:
I also don’t know what those mean. I have to investigate further.
You can see the values accepted here: https://github.com/espressif/esp32-camera/blob/master/driver/include/sensor.h
after line 64.
That is very helpful. I guess the ones with no numbers mentioned in sensor.h are all binary (val=0 or 1)?