I am using ESP32 board for a BLE project. I am using BLE_server example to Advertise part of the code BLE_notify to receive GATT connection.
Hence I can connect to the board with a BLE GATT client.
I can connect form i-Phone via LightBlue (PunchThrough) app but not from Android phone with same app. I even wrote my own Gatt Client Android app and can not connect.
Can you please advice. I need to have Android device connect to the ESP32 Board.
Thank you.
Have you tried this Instructable? I have tried ESP32 BLE with LightBlue on IOS but don’t have an Android device.
Hi Johan.
We usually use nRF Connect for Mobile from Nordic to find ESP32 devices and see their characteristics with android devices. Or we create a Bluetooth Android App using MIT App Inventor.
I’m not familiar with LightBlue.
You may need to enable location on your android smartphone.
Hi Sara,
Thank you for your prompt reply. We are using Samsung Tablet to scan 24/7 for ESP32 BLE Broadcast when an event happens. But I have given up the idea altogether using BLE because Google protect and Memory usage problem with Android OS. it is easy to do with TCP/IP Connection over WiFi.
Thanks once again.