Hello, I’mo doing the course ESP32-CAM Projects. I’m very happy with the book that is very well done.
I was able to make run the Module 1 camera web server. Everything goes well and I was able to do face recognition too.
With the module 2 take photos I have had some problems. I have to say that I’m using a 16Gb SD card instead of 4 Gb.
I’m getting this error:
Initializing the camera module...FRAMESIZE = CIF[E][sccb.c:154] SCCB_Write(): SCCB_Write Failed addr:0x30, reg:0x35, data:0xda, ret:-1 [E][camera.c:1215] camera_init(): Failed to set frame size [E][camera.c:1270] esp_camera_init(): Camera init failed with error 0x20002
And all seems ok with the sd card.
After many attempts I was able to have it running. I have extracted the SD card then reinserted it few times.
The strange thing was that also the web server cam was not running with the SD, with same error.
Now I have done many trial switching the board on and off and it seems ok.
Very strange behavior.
It’s a very strange behavior indeed.
Sometimes you get that error on the first reset after uploading the code. But if you reset the board again, usually the error goes away.
Additionally, having an SD card that is not being used shouldn’t cause any issues – like the case of the camera web server project.
So, you changed to another board and everything is working right?
No, I simply insisted with the reset button untill I got it run. This is is quite annoying because the problem presents itself quit often. Do you are suggesting me to change board and buy a new one?