I built ESP32 cam from RNT code
I can view cam from local network
I have router port forward the ESP32 cams ip and port
It can’t be seen fro outside my network
What can I do?
Hello Ray,
Have you tried the example described in our “Build ESP32-CAM Projects eBook”?
- PAGE 338: Unit 6: ESP32-CAM IP Camera Access from Anywhere in the World
The best way to access multiple cameras would be with Ngrok and Node-RED, but it also should work with port forwarding.
Hello again, if you do a proper router port forwarding, you should be able to open any port for any ESP web server, but unfortunately the configurations for each router is slightly different…
So I can’t give you an accurate answer on how to do it for your specific router.
But have you considered using the method described in?
- PAGE 338: Unit 6: ESP32-CAM IP Camera Access from Anywhere in the World
This example is very reliable and you can use as many ESP32-CAM board as you need to.