I would like to buy the book “esp32-cam project” but I am currently doing the examples in the “Building web servers” book and using VSC. As I understand the examples in the cam_book using Arduino IDE. So I wonder if you have any plans to convert the exaples in the book for VSC.
By the way I like the “Build Web Servers” a lot.
Regards Kent Sjöberg
All Arduino sketches should be compatible with VS Code as long as you know how to install any libraries if required.
Additionally, in VS Code, all function declarations must come before any function calls.
In that eBook, we just provide the arduino sketch, that you should copy to the main.cpp file if you’re using VS Code.
We won’t make a version of that eBook using VS Code. But if you’re familiar with VS Code, you should be able to use the examples just fine.
Let me know if you have more questions.