Hi I have flashed my esp32-cam with esp32-20190125-v1.10.bin
unfortunate i can not connect to the port afterwards in upycraft without upycraft bringing up the burn firmware window again.
Also when burning the firmware for the first time the console displays the flowing error when connecting to the port before the burn firmware window opens up.
(open serial error, please try again.)
However the burnfirmware window still opens and the earse and burn opperation does complete.
Please help
When you’re not able to flash the ESP32-CAM, it can be one of the following problems:
- Wrong wiring (TX and RX swapped)
- ESP not in flashing mode (GPIO 0 not connected to GND, and you didn’t restart the board before trying to upload a new sketch)
- Not enough power (your ESP32-CAM crashes). If you’re powering with 3.3V, try providing 5V to the 5V pin.
After uploading the code, or flashing the firmware, you should disconnect GPIO from GND.
Additionally, it may be a problem with upyCraft and the ESP32-CAM. You can try using Thonny IDE. It is much less prone to connection problems.
Here is our Thonny IDE tutorial: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-thonny-micropython-python-ide-esp32-esp8266/
P.S. I haven’t tried flashing the ESP32-CAM with MicroPython. At the moment, I don’t know if both work well together.
Let me know if this helps.