The 2 programs in the ESP32-cam cource I can not let them work. When I run the programs I get the Ip adress on the serial monitor, but I can’t open it.. In the program you only have to add 4 items:
enter ssid: no problem.
enter password: no problem
Get BOTtoken : I installed Telegram on my phone. When I open Telegram I search for botfather and then select Botfather, then select start and newbot. Give name and user name and BOTtoken is displayed and you can copy it
enter chat_Id: In Telegram search IDBOT. Select IDBot and give command /getid and you get your chat_Id.
These 4 items you have to submit in the program
I tried it on 3 esp32-cam’s with the same result. not working.
Can you be a little more specific about your problem?
When you say it doesn’t work, what happens?
That project doesn’t create a web server. It allows you to interact between Telegram and the ESP32-CAM.
If you try to access the IP address, nothing happens because we’re not creating a web server.
Are you able to control the board using Telegram?
Hi Sara,
When I get the message on the serial monitor that I can open the IP When I try to open the Ip adres, get remark can’t connect refused connection.
On the telegram control board on botfather, when I give
/start nothing happens.
/flash Unrecognized command. Say what?
/photo Unrecognized command. Say what?
That is not a web server project. So, it is not supposed to open the IP address on the web browser.
As for the Telegram part, you must have something that is not configured properly.
Where are you typing your commands to control the ESP32-CAM?
You must start a conversation with the bot you’ve created, not with botfather.
I also discovered that I am doing something wrong and that you do an extra step, witch is not mentioned in your cource to make a ESP32 bot. Up to now I also dont know how to do this.
I have this book and downloaded all the files. In the “ESP32_CAM_Telegram_Send_Photo.ino” sketch I added my SSID and password; My Bot Token (Long string with a colon in it that you get from BotFather) and chat ID (ten digit number you get from the IDbot. I also changed the FLASH_LED_PIN from 4 to LED_BUILTIN for my board (Arducam AOTAI).
The serial monitor will tell you the IP address of your board but you won’t be able to connect to it as this sketch creates a client to Telegram rather than a web server. Once you get your bot up and running you can send your board messages (/flash, /photo, /start) and your board will respond to Telegram.
What is this extra step that is not in the course? I followed the book to the letter and it worked for me.
The problem I have solved.
In the cource page 238: Go to your Telegram account and open a coversation with your Bot. I dit not understand that I had te search in the main menu for my bot and then select it. That was my problem.