I had to start using a different laptop for using the ESP32. I went through all the tutorials successfully with my old laptop. Now with a different laptop I have problems. When I down load the ESP32 Course Master where do I move it after upzipping? At what level do I move the Master? At the top level or the folder for each sketch?
When I down loaded Blink by itself I get the Error ” redefinition of “const int ledPin” on the line “const int ledPin = 23”.
Hi Carl,
you don’t need to move the folder to anywhere.. They are just the code examples that you can open in your Arduino IDE. It’s not a library… Simply keep it in your work area (Desktop or Documents folder) and open the example sketches in your Arduino IDE.
Can you copy and paste the exact code that you’re uploading to your board that’s giving that error?
My Blink_LED folder had 2 sketches: Blink_LED & Blink_LED_PlatformIO. I deleted Blink_LED_PlatformIO and the sketch ran correctly.