I have been working with this sketch and have some questions regarding the output format. I would like to display the temperature to one decimal point and humidity as an integer. Can anyone recommend a text or web page that will help me decode the xml portion of the sketch? I am having trouble keeping all of the variables and strings sorted out and the output commands are a mystery.
Hi: I have been working on both the ESP32 and ESP8266 web server projects that use the DHT22 to read and then display temperature and humidity on a web page. Both of them work fine and I am trying to get a better understanding of how the data is stored and displayed on the webpage. It is easy to set how many decimal places is displayed on the serial monitor but for me so far not on the webpage. I do not have a good background in HTML, XML, Java Script, etc. and am looking for some information that will help me learn more about this.
Thanks for any information that you can provide.