Hi, Can anyone help? I am using an ESP32 do-it board, using PlatformIO, and I have nearly got to the max of the Flash memory 97%. In the Arduino IDE you can configure it to use the OTA as extended Flash. I don’t know how to do the same in PlatformIO.
!!!Hi I think I have got this wrong! the memory in the esp32 is only 2mb? but uses another 2mb to re-program, I thought you can change the partition so I could use 4mb for my program, I am also using Spiffs in my program, so I do not want to change this….I see you can do this in Arduino, but I use PlatformIO and don’t know how to do it..
If you want to set a custom partition scheme, you need to create a new partition table (for example: custom_partition_table.csv). Then, in the plaformio.ini file, define that you want to use that partition table:
board_build.partitions = custom_partition_table.csv
Then, you actually need to create that file and place it in the root directory of your project.
To learn how to create your custom partition CSV file, search for “ESP32 create CSV partition table”
Here’s this link for a reference: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-guides/partition-tables.html
Then you can define the space for the application, eeprom, spiffs, etc..
I hope this helps.
It seems I just need No OTA (Large APP) as in Arduino IDE.
Will check the link thank you
Well Sara, I have looked, looked again and can’t understand what to put in the csv file to achieve what I need.
I get this part : board_build.partitions = custom_partition_table.csv and where to put the file, and to create a csv file and put it in the project folder, but reading the Link you sent has made me more confused as to what to put in it.
You can see here examples of partition tables:
I think you want something like the partitions_singleapp_large.csv:
Regards, Sara