I`m following instructions as per the FIREBASE ebook, I can see in the monitor correct values for Temperature, Humidity and Pressure, but after downloading the sketch for Streaming Data operation, I can`t get any values for parameters changed through the console.
Here follows what I get:
12:12:27.970 -> Connecting to WiFi …..
12:12:30.983 ->
12:12:30.983 -> Token info: type = id token, status = on request
12:12:32.968 -> Token info: type = id token, status = ready
12:12:32.968 -> Getting User UID
12:12:32.968 -> User UID: w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX
12:12:34.490 -> stream path, /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/outputs/
12:12:34.490 -> event path, /
12:12:34.490 -> data type, null
12:12:34.490 -> event type, put
12:12:34.490 ->
12:12:34.490 -> null
12:12:34.490 ->
12:12:38.142 -> Writing value: 22.89 on the following path: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/temperature
12:12:38.196 -> PASSED
12:12:38.196 -> PATH: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/temperature
12:12:38.196 -> TYPE: float
12:12:38.467 -> Writing value: 41.67 on the following path: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/humidity
12:12:38.467 -> PASSED
12:12:38.467 -> PATH: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/humidity
12:12:38.467 -> TYPE: double
12:12:38.780 -> Writing value: 936.60 on the following path: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/pressure
12:12:38.780 -> PASSED
12:12:38.780 -> PATH: /UsersData/w6BNCkC5fKOySAzYNRMaiFWXXXXX/sensor/pressure
Can anyone tell me what I’m missing?
Did you change your database structure? Can you check the structure of your database and check that it matches the one in the eBook?
Are you listening for changes on the right path? In case you’ve change the database in any way?
Hello Sara
Thanks for your answer, here follow the used “jason file” as per the ebook instructions:
“UsersData” : {
“outputs” : {
“digital” : {
“2” : 0,
“12” : 1
“message” : “I love this app”,
“pwm” : {
“13” : 20,
“14” : 80
“sensor” : {
“humidity” : 52.50,
“pressure” : 1006.13,
“temperature” : 25.00
What happens is that when I run the “streaming data” sketch and I go to the console in order to change for example the message to be displayed, some additional lines with BME280 sensor data appear at the bottom, showing right current measurements.
Should I start a new project from scratch to see if I get same or a different behaviour?
I didn’t understand the issue.
Can you show me a picture of what happens on the console when you try to change a value? Are you inserting a string on the message key and numbers on the GPIO numbers?
Since it`s quite simple, I`ve started a new project, strickly following the e-book instructions, and hopefully the new project is working fine!
Then I’ve compared old/new projects, the problem was an incorrect json file.
Thanks for your help!