I am going through the RNT ESP 32 course and was wondering how can I verify that I have the latest firmware loaded the ESP 32? Also if the latest version of firmware is not present how do I get the latest firmware and how to install it? I am using 2 ESP 32 boards; ESP WROOM 32 (with battery) and a ESP 32S.
Basically you can ensure that you have the latest version of the ESP32 add-on for the Arduino IDE (that’s how you generate a new firmware for your ESP when you upload a new sketch), if you try to pull updates from GitHub read section “How to Update Your ESP32 Arduino IDE Add-on”
And when you do: “2) Open the menu Remote > Fetch from > origin” that command doesn’t return anything. If it doesn’t return any changes, you’re running the latest version of the ESP32 add-on for the Arduino IDE.
I hope that helps,