I’m using an ESP32 WROOM. GPIO 13, 14, 15, 16 as Output. Vdd = 3.3 and it is OK.
The GPIO pins are open (no load, no pullup)
I’m using the Arduino IDE
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
Results in changing from 0 to +0.5VDC as measured with both my scope and DVM.
I’ve tried adding 10K and 1K pullups, but the output changes only 100mV or less. The GPIO acts like a totem pole, not open drain or else there is a internal conflict.
I’m an experienced hw/sw engineer, but have likely fallen in a noob hole.
Likely I’ve got a config issue. Any suggestions
Sounds strange. I guess the first thing to make sure of is that you’re checking the right pin on the module. I know I get confused most of the time 😉
ESP32 WROOM Pinout
Hi Barry.
Does that happen with just GPIO 13 or with all the other GPIOs you’ve mentioned?
Can you show me the exact ESP32 board model that you have? You can send a link to the vendor or post a picture.
You seem to be doing things right. You just need to define the GPIO as an output and then set its state.