In case of ESP2866 you describe how to setup OTA:
Please, add OTA to ESP32 course
P.S. I’m read official documentation:
Espressif say: prepare partion ….
But I can’t understand how to do it.
I’m simply reading files from SPIFFS file system. (SPIFFS.begin() ) and don’t know what to do with partition
Hello again,
Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment, I already have other Units lined up for the ESP32 course, but you are taking a look at the OTA examples for the ESP-IDF programming environment.
Can you try this example instead?
That previous example is for the ESP32 with Arduino IDE. I hope that helps!
Hi everyone,
Is there any way to update the Firmware via Internet, without having to be connected to to the same local network?
What I would like to do is the ESP32 to check, every time it is powered on and connected to a WiFi network, if there is a new update for the firmware on a Server (or somewhere). This way, everytime I change the firmware, I can upload the .bin file to the server with a different name and all my devices will update.
I know most devices can do that, and I’m sure it’s also possible with the ESP32, but I don’t know how. This feature would be really interesting and helpful for ESP32 applications, but I can’t find any example.
Any kind of help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Hello Xabi,
The best solution (it’s quite technical) that I’ve found for that problem is using IOTappStory by
Andreas Spiess. He has a service that allows you to do exactly what you’re looking for.
I recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehPl4Nwjvaw
I hope that helps. Regards,