Hi Random Nerds,
I am enjoying the tutorials and really grateful for the work you’re doing.
I am using an Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather, macOS 12.6.2, Arduino 1.8.19.
All my libraries and board files are up to date. I can program the Arduino with the html, css, and js written into the sketch as “rawliteral”, but the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload tool does not work. This seems to be a problem with SPIFFS not recognizing the -S2 board variant. The process starts OK, but then I get the error
A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S2 not ESP32. Wrong –chip argument?
SPIFFS Upload failed!
This is highly distressing, as my workflow has been to store the server files in the data folder in the Arduino sketch. I don’t use Platform IO or the VScode toolchain that you tutorialize.
Do you random nerds have any idea when this might be fixed or how to perform the SPIFFS upload in the mean time?
I did poke around in the ESP32 example sketches that Arduino has, and remarkably, the LITTLEFS_test.ino example worked great while the SPIFFS examples do not.
If LittleFS seems to be working as expected, all you need to do is to replace the word SPIFFS with LittleFS on your code.
It will work straight way.
Let me know if this helps.
Thanks Sara,
I did try to use LittleFS, and I only got it to work with the example sketch that accesses the file system in code.
When I tried to use the LittleFS File Upload tool, it said that it would only upload for ESP8266 boards.
Is there a LittleFS update or something? The tool I have is ESP8266 specific.
You need a specific plugin for ESP32 LittleFS.
Follow the instructions here to install the ESP32 LittleFS plugin: https://github.com/lorol/arduino-esp32littlefs-plugin